Bold Women in Gaming

by Jennifer Knighton

In history, powerful women who broke the mold they had been forced into were rare and unique individuals, but in the world of gaming, the situation is far different. Male and female players alike proudly create female warriors, thieves, vampires, and many other creatures that refuse to stay at home and live normal lives. These female characters travel the world in search of adventure or, if they do stay in one town, they sneak up the ranks of their respective careers until the town is theirs.

These women are confident in their abilities, capable, and often use their sex and feminine wiles as a means to an end that the male characters may not have been able to achieve. In fact it's rare to find a female character who is merely a barmaid or a librarian.

Even before women began to be a major part of the player base in role-playing games of all types, the strong female characters were still there. And now that women are actively a part of the player base we see even more powerful female characters.

I'm not trying to say that staying at home and leading a so-called 'normal' life is a bad thing in any way. Many people, men and women, need just that to be happy. But throughout history and throughout the gaming world the women who want adventure have found their way into the spotlight, at least for this article.

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