Review: CowPoker

by J. Merrick

The point of CowPoker is to have the best poker hand and score out of your hand, gang, and cellar by the end of the game.

Your hand at the end of the game will basically be what you didn't play, the gangs are the cards that you played during your turn, and the cellar will be the cards you won during Roundups and Gunfights. You add up your points from the gang which is the base score, and then you get more points for the best poker hand in your gang, hand and cellar.

There are always four players in the game. If there are not four actual people playing, the leftover ranches become Deadwood players. The do not have a hand and play a card from the top of the deck for their turn. Any time they need to play a card, you draw from the top of the deck for them.

The other important parts of CowPoker are the Roundups and Gunfights. They are activated by cards, and the point of them is to play the card with the highest amount of points in whichever of them is happening. The winner then gets all the cards and places them into his/her cellar.

One thing I particularly like about this game is that it isn't only poker; there are other bits added to it to make it more interesting. Like Roundups and Gunfights which help make it different. I don't usually like the basic game of poker; I like things that have evolved from it.

But one thing that I did find annoying was that it didn't how many cards you can have in your gang... it just seems like there should be a limit, but it doesn't actually say. Except for that I can't really think of anything bad about the game. It's pretty cool!

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